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Aug 8, 2015

Leave us feedback!, call the show 1-412-573-1934


Quick Episode Summary:

  • Intro :12
  • Promo 1: Perception and Action Podcast 2:04
  • On the Libsyn Blog! 2:33
  • Promo 2: The Stories of You Podcast 4:45
  • How we feature YOU 5:16
  • Promo 3: Books and Ideas 6:40
  • Rob & Elsie Conversation 7:13
    • Finally back from traveling!
    • Our Podcast Movement 2015 thoughts and ideas
    • Hey! 50% of the Academy of Podcasters Award winners hosted with Libsyn!
    • Soundcloud rumors beware!
    • You know that iTunes show bug only showing the latest 20 episodes on your feed? Well, there’s an update
    • Rob’s found a bunch of new podcasting patents! Take note
    • Oh no, more troubles about podcast feeds in iTunes causing them to be pulled down
    • A discussion of what might get your podcast pulled down from iTunes do to colorful language
    • What social media tools does Elsie use to promote The Feed?
    • You want stats? We’ve got the latest podcasting stats - listen up!

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


We’d love it if you could please share #TheFeed with your twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet!

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Ways to subscribe to The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast


You can ask your questions, make comments and create a segment about podcasting for podcasters! Let your voice be heard.

  • Download the FREE The Feed App for iOS and Android (you can send feedback straight from within the app)
  • Call 412 573 1934
  • Email
  • Use our SpeakPipe Page!

Cheri Fields
over nine years ago

Dear Elsie and Rob,
I was winding down last night with your podcast (love when new episodes come out!), and was shocked but pleased to hear you read my thank you email. Of course, my excitement meant I had to take extra melatonin to settle down afterward, but who's complaining?
My show is the Creation Science 4 Kids Show. It didn't occur to me to mention it as I wasn't writing to get publicity. :D
Wish I could have been there at Podcast Movement it sounds like it was an amazing event. Chicago isn't too far from me, so I might try for next year.
Thanks for not only being so worry free to use as a host, but so friendly, supportive, and encouraging as well.