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Jun 3, 2018

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Quick Episode Summary:

  • Intro :07
  • Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Deep Listening 2:00
  • How you can be featured by Libsyn! 6:22
  • PROMO 1: Video Fuzzy 7:51
  • Elsie and Rob Conversation 8:21
    • Apple sent an email to podcasters on May 29 and goodness, and the world went wacky
    • Clarifying all things secure RSS feeds
    • Optimizing the iTunes Author field section
    • PROMO 2: The Prodigal Son 22:46
    • Email about BossJock and a great back up for recording on an iOS device
    • Your Chrome browser is good at pretending it’s an Android phone says James Cridland
    • What if you don’t see what everyone else sees in Apple Podcasts stats?
    • There is a wordpress plugin called “Libsyn Podcast Quick embed” THAT IS NOT OUR PLUGIN - don’t use it
    • GDPR is a letter word and Libsyn info all about it
    • Spotify cut a deal with Amy Schumer
    • More on stupid money coming into podcasting plus all the things we have to say about it, again
    • Reports on Google Assistant not playing the latest episode and what Google had to say about it
    • How do you measure a company podcast’s ROI? And ROI is not what you think
    • Castro 3 is out and Elsie is giddy!
    • Rob shares his worst email question in the last two weeks
    • PROMO 3: 1:06:36
    • Stats, stats, stats! The median and mean numbers based on episodes released in the end of April with downloads measured until the end of May!

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


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