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May 4, 2021

Starting off right off the bat with a ton of information and the mind-blowing amount of podcasting news: The Apple Event, subscriptions, Spotify, Facebook, Libsyn 5 & feedback, clarification about tags, keywords, and categories on Apple Podcasts, using the Zoom H2N as an external microphone, and of course mean and median numbers

Come hang out with Elsie Escobar and Rob Greenlee in the very first Clubhouse event in club LibsynPod! May 4 at 3 pm ET - You can join through this link! So sorry, iOS only for now 🥺

Join the Libsyn Beta Community TODAY!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going! Email, call 412–573–1934 or leave us a message We’d love to hear from you!


Quick Episode Summary

  • :13 Intro
  • 3:15 PROMO 1: Thrive Sister Thrive!
  • 3:43 Rob and Elsie Conversation
  • 6:03 Getting to it, the Apple Event and podcasting!
  • 7:53 What about those Apple Podcasts subscriptions?
  • And the trouble?
  • iPad Pros, pretty iMacs and such
  • 25:51 Spotify and Facebook
  • 31:13 Spotify subscriptions!
  • “Will we be able to distribute our podcasts to Facebook?”
  • 44:05 A bit of an update about Libsyn 5
  • Getting 3 hosts and guests on the individual episodes that they are on
  • Search traffic has dropped 40% for Joe Rogan since his Spotify exclusive began
  • 53:36 PROMO 2: The Salty Yak Podcast
  • Where has podcasting been? In movies and commercials!
  • What about those tags and keywords?
  • 58:35 Clarification about categories, and will they give you more exposure?
  • Getting your show back on Spotify
  • 1:01:43 Using an H2N to podcast - Elsie tips!
  • Timecodes and dynamic ad insertions
  • 1:10:46 PROMO 3: The Radio Vagabond
  • 1:11:18 Stats: mean and median
  • Where have we been?
  • Where are we going?

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie


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